Thursday, November 02, 2006

Suuuuure she didn't know....

This is in response to this article on MSNBC. Ok, so maybe a woman doesn't have cravings or morning sickness. I didn't with the Guyser, but HOW can a woman not wonder what is going on when she is getting an elbow under her ribcage or a foot into her bladder? Not to mention a 7 pound human being turning completely around inside her belly.....sure she didn't know...yeah.....


At 3:06 PM, Blogger Vashnigyered said...

I guess if she looks anything like my older sibling, anything is possible.

At 3:57 PM, Blogger lady manta rae said...

wow... that's just wrong... I'm going to agree with vashnigyered, too... but would think maybe she would have thought something was wrong. Of course, I noticed her first child's name was "melodies"... kinda like the unicorn my little pony... only plural... you know, plural for a single child who is likely destined for multiple personalities... yikes.

I'm going to have to place mom "on the spectrum" as we say (perhaps somewhere in asperger's land???)


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