Our Love, or something like that, is contagious.
Valentines Day. It is supposed to be a day of Love, flowers, candy, and romance. But yesterday, I learned it could also mean rashes, fevers, and painful blisters on hands and feet. That's right folks, for Valentines Day, the Babe and I got Hand Foot and Mouth Disease! Not only are we uncomfortable, we are contagious! Its a virus that just has to run its course. It causes sores on your palms and feet, and sores in your mouth. It probably explains my earlier entry of wanting to remove my own tonsils. It would probably also explain why the Babe wants to have an entire diet of soft mushy fruit snacks. Now the only thing that remains to be seen is if the Hubby falls prey to the virus. For now, we will continue with our quarantine....
Who would invent something that only effected the hands, the feet, and the mouth? That is just rude.
Hope that wellness=soon.
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