Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Back again...

I am going to assume my witty blogs were missed over the last week, and it was because it was probably the 2nd worst week of my life. We were going through "The Scramble" which has to do with medical students and trying to find a Residency position. My sister had a much more precise and explicit description of the experience, but I can't share that! But in the end, I think things worked out very well. In less than 24 hours, we had to book a flight to Minneapolis, drive 2 hours south to Mason City, Iowa, and interview there. I loved the community and people. The Residency Program is very good, and is very supportive. There are about 5- 2 year old boys, so the Babe will have a posse. So, as of July, we will be Iowans. Now that we went through that whole whirlwind, we have the next daunting task of being packed up and out of Smellytown in 10 days! UGH! Packing tips anyone?


At 7:50 AM, Blogger kari said...

packing tip: don't sort. just toss into a box. buy a big sharpie to label the box.


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