Needing input.......
Here are some before and after of our bathroom. It had some funky 50's (?) tiles in there in the strange shade of green (not really mint, not really turquoise). So I wanted to use a darker hue of the same color, and then bring the black tiles lines into the room. What do ya'll think? In some light, I love it. In some, I don't. Maybe I could just claim color blindness.......

I like the colors. Looks like you are settling into your new digs well. Hope the family is adjusting well too. Colorado to Iowa huh? Karen and I spent three years in Iowa, so we know the whole "children of the corn" mentality that oh so many fine Iowans seen to be possessed by. Dubuque is a crazy place to live...too may people like to say "yous guys." You will run into that if you have not already. I think it's very cool that YOU ARE A MOM! That's awesome! I love being a daddy! Collin in 19 months and is currently obsessed with any and all things Thomas the Tank Engine! Anyway, I just wanted to say Hi and see how you are and have's been too long...sorry for that. Oh yeah, I also have a blog... My blog is not as exciting as yours, but it gives you a glimpse into my so called life as a spiritual guru. Well, I am off to pack for some vacation time with the out-laws! Take care of you and yours Diane. God Bless.
Jason Hill
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