Saturday, January 14, 2006

Just a thought...

Yesterday I got THREE automated telemarketing calls. It made me sigh. These companies make recordings that start playing when you answer. They can't even resort to using actual humans to carry out their annoying tactics anymore. I hate telemarketing phonecalls, so at least I used to get a small bit of satisfaction by hanging up on a human, someone who may have actually had a reaction to my irritation. Now, it is just a recording... gone are the days of my small satisfactions.


At 6:27 PM, Blogger lady manta rae said...

i think we should turn it around on the telemarketers.. I think we should all start to call them... then ask them to hold once they answer and we make them think we're all interested... then keep being really rude clicking in and out on them; putting them on hold and then not on hold... until finally, we just say.. you know, thanks, but i'm not interested and hang up on them.

course, then they would probably call back more....

they are like cockroaches... they can persist through anything..


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