Now I am accountable
So I am putting this out there into bloggerworld. I have been a little busy and preoccupied lately because I am starting to train to run the Fargo HALF Marathon. Now what in the world would possess me to do this? Guilt. And Fear of Mockery. Oh, and looking at the scale after the month of (I will take solace in Whoppers) December. See, my one brother has ran the 1/2 the last two years. Last year, all my brothers ran it, and my sister-in-law. And well, they are old. So, I figured since this year, I am not pregnant, and just a hint out of my twenties, I should be able to do this! Now, I have never really been a runner. Yes, I was part of the tres cool "Rockets" track team in 7th grade. (Didn't go out in 8th... something about 'You've almost beaten Tasha at the 100 meter hurdles' and remembering that I wasn't going to define myself by whether or not I could beat Ms. G at the 100.....but I digress....) No, this body wasn't really built for running distance. Heavy lifting, toning fast, much muscle mass? Yes, but do I look like a gazelle? No.. more like a hippopotamus. But I haven't let that stop me much. I just started running. I am up to 4 miles, which I am proud of, but it needs to warm up FAST because 40 times (give or take a few laps, because I can't count) around the track at the Y is getting REALLY boring. And I have to say that now I look forward to the runs. I like the "runners high" that kicks in around 20 minutes into the run. I like, no LOVE my new MP3 player that keeps me moving. Anyway that is what I am up to these days. I'll keep you posted as the progress. Oh, one last thing. I think this is funny. At the "carb feed" the night before the race, they serve Lefse! Thats North Dakota fer ya!!! :)
We're gonna kick some booty in the 1/2!!!
Sounds like your more ambitious than I am. I did move all the toys away from the treadmill, though, so i guess that's a start.
Wow! I'm so proud of you. I am out of breath just going up a flight of stairs! I was sore after the 5K breast cancer walk, and am going to venture out and do the Amercan Heart Assoc 5K WALK next month...better start training. hee hee!!!!!!! Good luck. I'll be thinkin' of you in this beautiful Arizona weather :)
Congratulations! The half is a great distance and very approachable. Stay warm, keep your MP3 player cranked up and put one foot in front of the other.
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