Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Shower time

Last night, the girls here had a baby shower for myself, and one of the other wives who is pregnant. (There is FOUR of us pregnant right now!!!) It was so much fun! I got things that got worn out with the Guyser (thermometer, monitors) Things I need (diapers and wipes) and things I just wanted this time around (new swing, bottle warmer, a bottle of wine!) :) It was so much fun... and starting to become more real. I mean I feel this little person moving all the time, but I think of what I yet have to do before it arrive and it is overwhelming! We will find out Thursday what date the OB wants to schedule the c-section, so that will be exciting! More later, I guess.


At 11:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh! Good for you! I'm so envious of new stuff, what fun. Denise

At 1:46 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

How exciting. Getting so close! I'm so happy for you! Can't wait to see the little one! Keep posting updates. Hope you are feeling well. FYI...got the bottle warmer. Don't like it. I just run the bottle under hot water. Much faster. But you never know. You might like it. Belly rubs, Anjee


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