Notes from the warzone
5:45am: It proved to be another stressful evening here in Viralistan. And explosion was heard and scene (and smelt) earlier in the evening, but the carpet bombing was thought to be an isolated incident. Then as Commandress in Chief Mommy O' MAHmee was sufferring severe abdominal insult and was quarantined in the latrine, another explosion was heard. Its source was unknown at the time, however sources reveal that Hurling Earl, who was thought to have gone underground, was to blame. CIC O'MAHmee does confirm that Earl did leave his mark all over the scene. The night was uneventful, but early morning hours were broken with the cry for hydration and the affects of another bombing could be sensed. Cleanup was quickly commenced and hydration provided. Commandress in Chief O' MAHmee has vowed revenge on Earl and the source of these explosions. More reports on this tense situation later.
Geez, I sure hope you guys are feeling better soon. You might have to open up windows pretty soon to help air out the smell or something.
not surprised why you didn't come up saturday now... yikes... you're hubby kinda downplayed it (me thinks he's getting a bit desensitized...???) Feel better soon & don't worry, i'm sick again and now cannot stay away (drifting off periodically during the day), so i probably would have been horrible company myself... feel better soon! - manta
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