Monday, March 26, 2007

A new week

The weather has turned nice, GI systems seem to be under control, the Hubby took a vacation day this week... maybe this week will prove to be a bit nicer than the last few!!

Got quite few pages of the Guysers scrapbook done lately! Yeah....don't wait 2.5 years to start that project... well, don't wait 2.5 years AND move 3 times in that time gets a bit crazy when trying to organize the stuff. Looking through the pictures, I realize I had a very, VERY fat baby boy!! He was gigantous even at 2 months old! Just a roly poly! Anyway, the house is just going to have to deal with my scraping stuff spread out, b/c that is the only way it is going to get done. I was going to set up a corner downstairs, but... with the water and dampness down there, I don't know... doesn't seem to appealing....May have to do some rearranging in my sunroom and move into there.


At 2:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It amazes me how you can have a toddler in the house and scrapbook. Not to mention all the additional clean up duty you've had lately! Kudos to you Di!

At 7:42 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Come back to Saba. All is forgiven. I will double any offer you have gotten in the States. I will get you your own blankie. I miss you. (Also everyone else has quit and my husband wants your old job. beyond scarey) And I miss you more than they will. Kisses- Jobeni

At 7:36 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow... 2 1/2 year old meets scrap booking stuff... could be entertaining.... :) good luck! - manta


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