Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Thoughts on Parenting

My Dad was here for Thanksgiving and we were sitting watching TV. A commercial came on for a parenting hotline, I think it was from Girls Town/Boys Town... one of these, "Not sure how to handle this situation, call the hotline for parenting tips." My Dad slowly looks at me with this dumbfounded look and says, "Are parents these days that unsure of what to do, they need to call a HOTLINE for advice?!?!" My thoughts exactly, Dad.

I explained to Dad that there is all this advice out there, you could read yourself to death on the "proper" way to interact/discipline your child and it gets to a point you become confused because next week, you'll be out of touch with your kids, because you were using last week's advice. I think we have become a society of being so worried about doing the "right" thing for our kids, we have lost the ability to use common sense. I think about the Hubby's grandpa who has lived to be 94. His parents did not have a hotline to call regarding him. Our parents somehow survived childhood.... Its not that I don't think there have been some major knowledge gained in the areas of mental health/psychology. Stoicism is best left to the "Greatest Generation." I am all for feeling emotions, expressing them, and validating them. But seriously, a Hotline? Granted there are situations I would reach out for advice...sure I'm all about that. But this commercial was a discipline question. I know this will get flack, but they are KIDS. And by that I mean, there needs are pretty simple, keep them fed, love them, give them boundaries, keep them safe... the more and more needs they require is probably a result of needs we have programmed them to think they need. Really, how much can we overthink this all? And maybe that is where Dad was coming from... He had five kids, thirteen grandkids and one great grandbaby.... I don't think he can understand how we should need "experts" to tell us what to do with our kids... And I guess I see where he is coming from.


At 10:54 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amen sister! I think the boundaries is where most parents, myself included, have the biggest problem. My humble opinion: too many parents want to be friends with their children, and forget it is their job to set and enforce the boundaries-not to be their buddy. Sure I have a great friendship with my parents now, but it didn't happen until sometime after I moved out of their house...Denise

At 4:34 AM, Blogger lady manta rae said...

I have to agree, but on the same note; I think the problem is that the generation of children that were raised being their parents "friends" or with NO boundaries what-so-ever, or even just such inconsitant boundaries is now the generation that is getting pregnant way to young in life and yes, they really don't know what the hell to do because they were never raised with it in the first place... (at least that is what I have been seeing a lot in my practice). A lot of the young parents I see just dump their child off on their parents most of the time and then hang out with their friends like its supposed to be like we watched on "friends" or "sex in the city"; the children is only with them when its convinient. No wonder...

I actually once had a mom older than me say to me this about her teenager -

"My mother was so horrible; she made me do so many chores; I don't feel that a child or teen should have to do all those chores (sweeping, vacumming, dusting, laundry & yes, she even mentioned CLEANING THEIR OWN ROOM) because they are kids. My kids don't do any housework at all, I do everthing for them...."

All I could think was - if they never learn HOW to clean and keep things clean - YIKES... I would NEVER want to marry any of HER CHILDREN!!!!!!!! They would be fricken slobs.. kinda like an x-boyfriend of mine you may have witnessed the bedroom for... coincidence that he also never was responsible for those things growing up????? it wasn't his mother that made this comment; it was someone else... but YIKES! no wonder that generation needs advice.... they've never recieved any to start with....


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