jumpin' on the blogwagon
I like to cook with wine. Sometimes I even add it to the food. W.C.Fields
Monday, July 31, 2006
Wedding Wishes
We wish them many happy years together!!
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Morning thoughts over coffee
The Hubby and I watched "Walk the line" last night (second time for me.) I really , really like that movie. The Hubby enjoyed it too. Joaquin is one helluva actor. He just has an intensity to the roles he plays. And Reese, who couldn't love Reese? Tonight we will watch "The Producers." Looking forward to catching up on all these movies, since we lost 3 months of rental time living out in the sticks....
The Guyser is watching Pinocchio for the 83millionth time. It has become his favorite. He loves the cigar/pool playing scene... go figure.
Went for an enjoyable bike ride last night. Saw an ambulance on the highway with lights and sirens. Thought "oh oh...." And yes, 10 minutes later the Hubby's pager was beeping and lets just say he pedaled home pretty fast!
If the Guyser refuses to sleep in his toddler bed, and instead prefers the ultra comfy full size bed in his room, do I take down the toddler bed to give his bedroom more playspace? I know this seems like a no-brainer but for some reason the Hubby doesn't think we should take it down....
The yellow stripe in the manroom is done and looking fine... on to the green.
Maybe we will take the Guyser to the awesome super-cool aquatic center (pool) here this afternoon....
I love my hazelnut coffee...
Saturday, July 22, 2006
I am starting on the "manroom." What is a "manroom?" you may wonder? Our garage is a big two stall car garage that has a built in office with heat and air conditioning. This office is what will be the manroom. I really should have taken a before picture. It was nasty. I mean really nasty. Dirty carpet, cobwebs, more dirt. I steam cleaned the carpet the other day.... it was like pouring out sludge from the return container. Painted two walls last night.
Next is to add the green and yellow to the other walls. I know, you may be thinking "green and yellow???" At first thought you may think this is in honor of the my husband's crappy alma mater, you know the one: "Look at us! We're Division One!" But it is not in honor of the Herd, it is in honor of the OTHER green and yellow, the tractor kind. Would I like a green and yellow room? No, not particularily. But this is not my room, it is the manroom. It will be his "cave," his place to hang dead animals and scantily clad women and Simpson's posters. It is his place to mess up (and clean.) It is the poker-room. (we have already been informed by the other residents of this.) It will be the place to burp and scratch and grunt....
Now, I just need to get it done.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Another room done!
Hooray! I have a livable living room now! Finished doing the finishing painting on the walls, and if I do say so myself, I think it turned out awesome! The first picture is a close-up of the finish. It is dark and cloudy here today, so the second picture isn't great, but you get an idea! I am SO happy how it turned out!
Friday, July 14, 2006
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
The verdict is in.........
Nope didn't like the original paint job.... so I went off again yesterday and bought more paint and sponged it last night. I have left up the painters tape for the time being in case I change my mind again... Funny that I think people actually are interested in the paint scheme of my crapper....... Anyway, this afternoon I painted one wall of the living room in a fantastic terra cotta color. I like it a lot. Oh, Kari,I LOVE the orange and pink of the kiddo's room! LOVE IT!
On another note, off this afternoon to register for Iowa plates. Yeah, Yeah, I already know what "Iowa" on the plate stands for... Petra filled me in: "Idiots on wheels ahead." Guess I have to live here a month to get a drivers license. The new Iowa one can NOT be any worse than my other one, in which I was 8.5 months pregnant. YUCK. And yes, I did lie about my weight on that one! Oh, and just have to mention LOVE LOVE LOVE being in the land of DSL again!
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Walt is one heck of a babysitter......
So we (I) have been busy unpacking and painting.... all I can say is thank goodness of Pinocchio and Aladdin! I HATE that he is plopped down watching this crap, err, videos all day long, but what's a mom to do? I find it interesting what he likes to watch and what he doesn't. Not big on Fox and the Hound.....but likes the "Mama (Jasmine), Daddy (Aladdin), the mean guy (Jafar) and Abu of Aladdin.......go figure.........and No! No! No! to "Roly Poly Oly'.......his little mind intriques me...........well, back to gettin' settled!
Needing input.......

Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Slowly getting settled
We arrived in Corn Country on Friday afternoon. Leave it to us to pick a 90+ degree day to move! We were helped out by several of the Hubby's colleagues and family to get the two trailers unloaded and mostly piled in the garage kitchen and living room! Good thing for a big garage!!! I am slowly getting unpacked, the kitchen is in use, the Guyser's room is set up and we bought a new washer and dryer today... Thank Goodness for 0% financing!!!